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Sunset Pub/Famished Frog Followup & 2 NEW Rooms!

Photo: Sunset Pub

We had a helluva banner year in 2017 with a pretty full calendar and 2018 is already booking up fast. We are proud to announce that our debut at the Famished Frog was a success and they have contacted us to play dates there this year. We will keep you posted as to what they are once we get them. Our first new room will be Rails, where we make our debut Saturday, March 17th on St. Patrick's Day. It's going to be crazy. Also, another club that has contacted us to play is Mr. Crabby's in Randolph N.J. Mr. Crabby's is now accepting live entertainment, so if you are reading this and in a band feel free to contact management over there. Our debut at Mr. Crabby's will be March 30th. Finally, we are at Sunset Pub January 20th. I'll post more about that next week, hope to see you there!

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